I was there at Avalon around the edges of all this. It’s a remarkable story - thanks, Dan. xxx

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Thanks Michelle. I remember you well. We used to have a weekly meeting when I was producing Open House.

You wrote a very good rebuttal for me when I had to defend the production against our own executives who made inaccurate statements about Open House in the media.

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Same! I was making classical music programmes with Bill McCarthy and Peter Coates, and everyone was aware the drama department was absolutely humming!

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It's a pity things like this aren't available on-line:


Sounds interesting!

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They might be soon! The TVNZ Archive collection is currently being digitised en masse as part of a project to preserve all Crown-produced magnetic media:


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A grand remincense dear Daniel. There's much I didn't know about Mark II - for instance - that you were the Producer! I would have been directing Country GP and preparing Marching Girls for production about then. I'm currently working with Allie Webber and we talked about Mike and John last time we met. She has a portfoliio of Mike's superb photography - mostly portraits of young Māori from Levin and Ōtaki. I think I met Mike just once in all that time. We should get together to compare notes... especially about John McRae (I had a tortuous relationship with him over Marching Girls). It's great that you're writing these memories.

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This post could really use that most excellent crew-and-cast photo that was last seen floating around on the Avalon Studios Crew Room Wall FB page, featuring the very dapper, youthful author of said post!!

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I did find a copy of it on line but it would only upload onto the ‘Inbox’ page. It does not appear on the post when you select it. Substack is a very difficult piece of software to wrangle. I do everything on my phone and I suspect that the ‘how to use’ instructions may only apply to a PC or desktop.

Not much use asking for help. I note quite a few people complaining about similar things but nothing seems to get done.

I may have to buy a laptop.

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